
Wha Bar(ウァ バー)からご挨拶

カリフォルニアにある日本人経営のAmerican Music Barが菊名の駅ちかに、、、


Wha Barを主催しております、Kiyoshiと申します。この度は当店のウェブページをご覧になっていただき誠に有難うございます。




友人:Kimiaki Aoyama

サンフランシスコのダウンタウンで人気の寿司レストラン“Sushi Zone”のオーナーであった青山氏: ”Kiyoshi”の作る寿司はこの地域でも有名で、彼のファンは多くいます。アメリカ人の心を捕らえたのは彼の音楽だけでは無いようです。

友人:Joe Colella

I played music with Kiyoshi Suzuki for well over 15 years, we were very close bandmates. Kiyoshi is a terrific and passionate guitar player and was a force to be reckoned with within our band. He brought soul and commitment to the music and our journey together was deeply enhanced by Kiyoshi’s presence. Although Kiyoshi draws from blues and jam band genres his passion and artistry make him a true original. He is a true soul man in the music world.” Joe Colella-Guitarist


When Kiyoshi lived in San Francisco, I was lucky enough to eat his great sushi at Sushi Zone. I heard him play the guitar a few times too, he plays super well. Someday I hope to go to his bar in Japan.
Katrina in San Francisco

友人:Andrew Bentz

Whether it’s a guitar or a sushi sword, may man Kiyoshi Suzuki is a master blaster!!!
His dedication and relentless pursuit of the X factor never disappoints!!! And the proof is in the results. Hearing him bend the notes of any song or delighting yourself with his culinary skills, we all come to one extraordinary conclusion….a humble, yet exciting individual, really knows what others don’t…and that’s for sure!!! Soul power with a flower…counts for a whole lot of good feelings!!! Why deny yourself of his wonderfulness???

店舗概要Wha Bar(ウァ バー)について

店舗名 Wha Bar(ウァ バー)
代表 鈴木 潔
所在地 〒222-0032 神奈川県横浜市港北区 大豆戸町 210-23
MAIL info@whabar.com
URL https://www.whabar.com
営業時間 18:00~24:00
定休日 月曜日・火曜日
席数 15席
クレジットカード 利用不可



